

Crafted with precision


Expanding horizons in the world of optics


Navigating a competitive market


A clear vision for global success

Crafted with precision

Concepts we work towards are based in Japanese aesthetic tradition interpreted in a neoclassic, pop setting.

Glasses Say-oh
Glasses Say-oh

Reestablishing the connection between craftsman and consumer

Division of labor and therefore repetitive labor crushes the soul of the craftsperson and that of which they create, which is palpable to the consumer. This is why high volume manufacturing, while efficient, produces items that often do not speak to us.


Design concept

Deeply satisfying without overwhelming the senses.  Japanese aesthetic in a neoclassic setting.  Simply put, we strive to create something that makes others look twice and not stare.

Western design and aesthetics have taken over the world.  Big flavors – sweet, salty, spicy overwhelm and dull the senses. But more than enough is often too much.

In our quest for always more always bigger we have deadened our senses, the more we have the less satisfied we are, our products and our lives lack the depth, lack staying power, force us to move on, we are never satisfied.  

In our quest we are told we will be happy if we follow the crowd, only to find we don’t fit the ideal image of the crowd, and therefore ourselves.

Hand Made